
Windows Repair Toolbox (freeware) is a software created to help you repair a Windows system, by making the process faster, easier and uniform.

- Download and run "on-the-fly" the best free portable software when it comes to diagnose and solve several kinds of Windows problems. The tools are categorized by their function, and the program will automatically download the correct version for the Windows edition in which you're working. When you finish, simply uninstall the tool, and all downloaded software it's also removed.
Note: there are 3 tools that aren't portable, those are marked with an [ i ]  (stands for "installer");

- Displays relevant information about the computer to be repaired: CPU temperature, name and % of use; amount of RAM installed on the system and % of use; amount of free space left in C:\ partition; Windows edition and install date.

- Allows you to add your own favorite tools to the program;

- Allows you to perform quality assurance tests after the repair is complete;

- Allows you to save notes about the repair process;

- Provides 1-click access to some useful Windows tools;

- "Unattended fix" option, automatically performs: malware removal, system cleaning and repair and disk defragmentation. A email letting you know that the automatic repair is complete, and containing the logs, can be sent to you.

Disclaimer (read carefully):
By running Windows Repair Toolbox you accept COMPLETE responsibility for ANYTHING that happens. This tool has ZERO WARRANTY for any purpose. Run it AT YOUR OWN RISK.

All 3rd-party tools you might download using Windows Repair Toolbox belong to their respective owners and authors, and are bound by their respective licences. It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to determine if you have the rights to use those 3rd-party tools in whatever environment you use this software.

Requirements: .NET Framework 4, internet connection, Windows XP to 10.

Click to download the latest version of WRT (1,93 MB)

Program version: (20.09.2016)
Definitions version: (28.09.2016)

Windows Repair Toolbox is free to use but if you would like to make a donation you can click bellow

Thank you!


Alex said...

Hi all, today i released the first update of Windows Repair Toolbox.

Version BETA:

- A portable version of the software is now available;

- Added a command line parameter (/m) that will run WRT in "minimal mode" (hardware monitors and visual styles disabled). This might be useful in order to improve performance when working in older machines heavily infected. This option can also be enabled in the"Settings" tab;

- Fixed a flaw in the "Unattended Fix" that will let the process continue in background even though the cancel button was clicked;

- The uninstaller now also removes the .config file that stores WRT data. This means that the notes written by the user in the "Notes" tab, checkboxes checked and settings selected will persist across application restarts and system reboots, but they will be removed upon the software uninstall. Regarding the portable version, the application settings are only stored while WRT is open.

- Added a "Donate" button in the "About" tab for those who would like to support this project;

- Some other minor improvements and fixes.


Alex said...

Hi, thank you all for your patience with the recent issues with some broken links in the program as a result of a sudden change in the download portal they used to rely. I would also like to thank all for the great feedback I've been receiving through email in the last couple of days. I'm really sorry not being able to reply to all so far, as I've been quite busy between job and trying to release this new version as fast as possible while working with a sluggish internet connection. I'm expecting to release further updates soon, since this one was little bit rushed in order to face that immediate problem with the links. Thank you all, once again.

Version BETA:

- The download links are no longer hard-coded in the program, they are now independently updated through a definitions file (automatically at the program's startup, if there's an internet connection, or manually, through the "update" button in the settings tab).

- Some improvements to the unattended fix process, the most relevant being the fact that while previously a break in the internet connection at any time would automatically cancel the entire process, now that won´t happen if the necessary downloads have already been completed, and therefore the process is already in the scanning part.

- In the Tools tab: replaced Paragon Backup & Recovery Free with FastCopy; replaced HDD Scan with GSmartControl.

- In Final Tests tab: the "Flash Player" button no longer opens YouTube since it now defaults to using HTML5; fixed the "SSL Test" link.

- Some other minor improvements and fixes.

Alex said...

- Fixed the "Cannot write to a closed TextWriter" error (that prevented the unattended fix process from finishing in the version);

- Fixed a bug in the unattended fix process that affected the portable version of the tool. That bug would prevent the automatic removal of the program folder (c:\windows_repair_toolbox) after the process is completed (an error message would blink right before the reboot).

- Added more information about the “Unattended Fix”: new tooltip in the "Unatennded Fix" button, and in the "smart scan" and "full scan" checkboxes.

- Some other minor improvements and fixes.

Alex said...


Fixed: If Ccleaner is installed and running in background in the computer being repaired (active monitoring feature of Ccleaner), the unattended fix will get stuck in the phase of cleaning temp files with Ccleaner.

Fixed: The unattended fix log isn't registering Vipre Rescue download.

Fixed: Vipre Rescue isn't running after download in manual scan (it runs in the unattended fix).

Fixed: Link to Microsoft Safety Scanner is being redirected to another Microsoft page.

Fixed: Ccleaner will delete Microsoft Safety Scanner log during the unattended fix. So, when it finishes, that log will be missing from "" file.

Fixed: Cancel button will not terminate Vipre Rescue’s process during the unattended fix. Rescue ScannerVipre Rescue Scanner will now show its window when it’s running during the unattended fix process; in order to allow (if wanted) the cancelation of the scanner by simply closing the window, the way it’s intended to work (otherwise neither the cancel button of WRT or the Task Manager are able to kill Viper protected process).

Fixed: In the end of the unattended fix, before the automatic reboot that completes the process, the portable version will attempt to delete Windows Repair Toolbox folder. This is a bad design because some of the antimalware tools will sometimes program themselves to run at next startup in order to complete the removal process.

Fixed: Malwarebytes Anti-Rootkit download process no longer “freezes” Windows Repair Toolbox GUI.

Fixed: buttons alignment in the “Tools” tab.

Replaced: “Anti-Twin” with a button that opens Ninite’s website in the browser (Anti-Twin’s function was duplicated with “Duplicate Finder” tool contained already contained in Ccleaner).

Improved: The message box that advises to disable the AV before downloading Nirsoft password recovery tools now contains a cancel option.

Improved: The verification of the availability of the download links is now faster, since now it’s specific for the system type (32-bit or 64-bit) where WRT is running.

Improved: the formatting of text contained in the message boxes.

Some other improvements and bug fixes.

Alex said...

Version BETA:

- Improved the baseline of tools that are part of Windows Repair Toolbox. Several tools were added and others replaced, in order to make WRT as useful as possible for everyday use and to cover most needs (while trying to avoid bloat).

Some notes about this:
. In the first tab (“Tools”), there’s now a group box called “Hardware” that only includes hardware diagnostics and troubleshooting tools.

. Under “Backup&Recovery”, if you click the “TD&PR” button (Test Disk and Photo Recovery), a new message box will open and ask if you want to run TestDisk or PhotoRec.

. Under “Useful Tools”, if you click the “Nirsoft.PWD” button (Nirsoft Password Recovery Tools), a new message box will open giving you the choice to browse all tools, or to immediately run one of those most currently used: WirelessKeyView, BrowserPassView or MailPassView.

. Under “Useful Tools”, if you click the “Nirsoft.SYS” button (Nirsoft System Tools), a new message box will open giving you the choice to browse all tools, or to immediately run one of those most currently used: BlueScreenView, WinCrashReport or ProduKey.

. Under “Repairs”, the “FixWin” button will download FixWin 1.2 (for Windows Vista and 7) or FixWin 2 (for Windows 8 and 8.1), accordingly to the Windows version where Windows Repair Toolbox is running.

. Under “Repairs”, both “Zoek” and “Farmar Recovery Scan Tool” will allow you to choose the location where you want to save and run the tools from.

. In the second tab (“Malware Removal”), under “Optimize”, the “Disk Defrag” button will now download and run Auslogics Disk Defrag portable.

Fixed: Windows Repair Toolbox will fail to run if Windows have the Performance Counters corrupted (Form4 error).

Improved: the tooltips will now remain visible more time.

Improved: some internal improvements in order to increase the robustness of the tool.

Some other minor improvements and fixes.

Alex said...

Version BETA:

Fixed: The "Defragment” option isn't working during the unattended fix process. This affected the version

Improved: “Don’t sleep” will now activate sooner during the unattended fix process.

Some other minor improvements and fixes.

Alex said...

Version BETA:

- New: It’s now possible to select what tools to run during the unattended fix process (those with a blue button are the ones that are available for selection), and, for each one that supports that option, whether to run a quick or a full scan.

Alex said...

Version BETA:

Fixed: Either the "Disk Defrag" button or the "Ccleaner" button would have to be selected in order to the unattended fix be executed completely. If not, the process would stop after the download of the other tools you selected: it wouldn’t actually start the scanning part. This bug has been fixed.

New: The malware removal section has been reworked. RKill and Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool were added. Most checkboxes from this section were removed, only the ones that are used to select the tools to automate were left. In “Automatic Tools” groupbox are the tools that can be automated (they can also be launched manually by clicking the respective button; and although Ccleaner and Defrag are in the “Optimize” groupbox but they can also be automated).

Some other minor improvements.

Alex said...

Version BETA:

Fixed: If Kaspersky wasn’t selected to run during the unattended fix, the error “Could not find a part of the path 'C:\Windows_Repair_Toolbox\Downloads\Reports” would occur in a later stage and would break the process.

Fixed: The update feature of the portable version of Windows Repair Toolbox wasn’t working properly. If you’re running the portable version, don’t use the internal update feature to update to the current version When prompted to update, click “No”, close the software, and visit the homepage get the new version. Since its fixed in version, there’s no need do this for future versions.

Added: information about the definitions version in the “About” tab.

Improved: During the unattended fix, the process seems to stop right after the download of Vipre Rescue Scanner. This is because the additional processing of Vipre files, that happens after the download, takes some time to complete. Now that information will be present in the text above the progress bar, and the progress bar itself will be filled during that event .

Several other small improvements and fixes.

Alex said...

Version (overview of whats changed):

- Windows Repair Toolbox will no longer minimize to the system tray;

- The stop button Webcam test will now reset the image back to blank. Improved Microphone Test buttons management;

- The green and red CPU temperature indicators will now load faster;

- The instructions of use of the email settings are now more visible;

- Implemented a functionality to prevent the start of a new downloads before the previous are completed;

- Fixed Vipre download;

- Fixed a bug that would create a file in Windows Repair Toolbox folder that couldn’t be removed before a reboot;

- Extraction of almost all zip files is now performed in a separated thread, in order to improve performance;

- The notes are now automatically saved, and not only when the application is closed.

- Replaced Nirsoft.PWD (package of all Nirsoft Password Recovery Tools), Nirsoft.SYS (package of all Nirsoft System Tools) and AppCrashView with NirLauncher;

- Replaced Slimdrivers with Snappy Drivers Installer;

- Replaced Unlocker with GrantPerms;

- Added Don’t Sleep;

- Added GWX Control;

- Replaced PatchMyPC with sUMO;

- Replaced Active Partition Manager with Minitool Partition Wizard;

- Removed link to Microsoft FixIt;

- Added Complete Internet Repair;

- Added FixWin 10;

- Added FreeFixer;

- Added Emsisoft Emergency Kit

- Removed from Final Tests: Silverlight and Shockwave

- Added to Final Tests: .ZIP and CrowdInspect;

- Several others improvements and fixes.

Alex said...


- Added: if the buttons "CompIntRepair" (Complete Internet Repair) or "NetRepairAIO" (NetAdapter Repair All In One) are clicked but there's no internet connection to perform the downloads, Windows Repair Toolbox will offer to attempt to repair the connection.

- Added "PatchMyPC" back to the toolbox (replacing sUMO).

- Improvements in the processing of Emsisoft during the unattended fix process.

- Several other improvements and fixes.

Alex said...


- The “Notes” tab now offers more features (ability to save to, import, print, save screenshots, format the text, etc.), including the integration with some of the Nirsoft Password Recovery Tools (to easily save to one single file or print one document containing the Windows and Office product keys, emails, wireless, and browsers passwords).

- Emsisoft Emergency Kit will no longer prompt for a extraction path, it will automatically be extracted to the same location as the other malware removal tools.

- In the hardware section, MemTest has been replaced with GPU-Z (because except for remote assistance, i can't imagine other scenario were the tool would be used instead of a bootable program).

- Eset Services Repair has been discontinued by Eset as a standalone tool, and has been integrated into Sirefef Cleaner. WRT will now run this tool ("Serv. Repair" button) with the specific parameter to make it repair and restore Windows Services to their default state (ps: just noticed a typo in the tooltip of the button, i repeated the word "repair" twice, i'll correct that in the next version).

- With some previously downloaded programs, WRT would return a message stating that the file already exists and would start a new download afterwards, instead of giving the user the option either to run the already existing file or to download a new one. This bug has been fixed.

- Due to a change in Bleeping Computer website, some of the downloads stopped working. To overcome that issue, I temporarily hosted myself some of the files and, from time time some programs like AdwCleaner or Combofix became outdated. That issue is now solved, and those downloads are now coming again directly from Bleeping Computer.

- The tool “FixWin” would not download and run in Windows 8.1. That problem is now fixed.

- If selected to run during the unattended fix process, Windows Repair AIO would stop in it's repair nº 7, under 32 bits versions of Windows. That issue is now solved.

- Clicking the "Clear Downloads" button in the settings tab would make WRT "not responding" while the downloads were being erased. That problem has been fixed.

- Decrapifier no longer runs under Windows XP, and Emsisoft no longer runs on Windows versions prior to Windows 7. When trying to run any of these programs in any of those versions of Windows, WRT will inform through a message box and will not proceed.

Alex said...


- If Windows Repair AIO was selected to run as part of the Unattended Fix, during its repair number 5 a message box from WRT would prompt. That problem has been solved.

- In some parts of Unattended Fix the main Window of WRT would became irresponsive for a few seconds. That no longer happens and the process runs now more fluidly.

- Placed back the tooltip of “PatchMyPC” button (it was missing).

- Corrected the wording in “Serv.Repair” tooltip (the word “repair” was repeated).

- Placed back the info icon in the “Malware Removal” Tab (I removed it by mistake in the last update).

- Added an informational message that will show up when “sfc /scannow” button is clicked under Windows XP.

Alex said...


- FRST was not being saved to the location selected by the user. That bug as been fixed.

- Added to the tooltips of Complete Internet Repair and NetAdapter Repair All-In-One buttons, the information that Windows Repair Toolbox will attempt to repair the internet connection by itself if it isn't possible to download those tools.

- Added a tooltip to GPU-Z button (it was missing).

- Updated 7-Zip components to version 16.02.

Alex said...


- Fixed a problem with the CPU temperature monitor, that affected versions and later. The problem was that the CPU temperature value wasn't getting updated /refreshed (it was displaying the correct temperature value at WRT startup, but the value was not being updated afterwards).

Alex said...


- Added the ability to add custom tools to Windows Repair Toolbox (in the new tab "Custom Tools").

- If the unattended fix process gets unexpectedly interrupted (that will happen, for instance, when one of the malware removal tools forces a reboot in order to remove some infection, or due to malware reaction to some tool), the next time Windows Repair Toolbox starts you'll be informed about what was the tool running when it happened, so that you can continue the unattended fix process from that point forward.

- Windows Repair All-in-One logs will now also be attached to the final "". A bug that was preventing TDSS Killer logs to be attached has also been fixed.

- In the "Settings" tab there's now an option to display the CPU temperature information in Fahrenheit (°F).

- Replaced the great but long time discontinued JavaRa for the official Java Uninstall Tool.

Alex said...


- WRT will now detect and use the system proxy settings to connect to the network and download the programs.

- Implemented a check before attempting to run a downloaded program: if it doesn't match the size of the one in the server, it will try to re-download it for another two times.

- The CPU temperature is now retrieved in a more efficient way.

- Fixed a bug that would turn off the CPU temperature monitor if temperature of the CPU reached above 100ºC.

- Under “Useful Tools”: replaced GWX Control with TCPView.

- Under “Windows”: replaced Msconfig and Regedit with Event Viewer and Reliability Monitor.

-Under “Repairs”: replaced Dial-A-Fix with a link to the built-in Windows Troubleshooting tools; replaced Avast Browser Cleanup with Ultra Adware Cleaner.

- Under “Uninstallers”: replaced Geek Uninstaller with Revo Uninstaller (the free version now also supports 64-bit versions of Windows)

- Some other minor improvements and fixes.

Alex said...

- The password recovery tools in the "Notes" tab are now working again.

Alex said...

- Added support for Intel Skylake CPU’s (temperature monitoring)
- Some minor improvements and fixes

Alex said...

- Fixed: When the latest version of Snappy Driver Installer (R496) was executed through WRT, it couldn’t load new themes or languages. There’s was also one file from SDI that couldn’t be deleted using the “Clear Downloads” button from WRT.

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